Feather Kisses
Often, the hardest goodbye is the one you never got to say—a contemporary fiction novel reminding us of the healing power of resilience, love, and forgiveness.

Was it an accident, or was it a moment fueled by jealous rage? Imagine the depths you would go to protect your name or that of someone you care about.
This contemporary fiction novel weaves a compelling narrative with thrilling mystery, inviting readers to empathize with the characters and their struggles.

When despair and memories flood your mind, how do you cope?
This contemporary short fiction comes with trigger warnings and an emotional punch, especially for first responders working through traumas of the job.
The highest compliment of my work came from “Jack Torrance,” the Southeastern Writer's Association contest judge’s feedback on my 1st-place win in 2024: “Okay, you're a jerk. This is the only entry that squeezed tears from my eyes. Your story hit close to home for me.”
Jack, I’ve never been prouder to be labeled a jerk. That’s what I want my words to do… make you feel the pain so you can heal the pain. Thank you.
My Portfolio
Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.
Nineteen-Ninety, WHAT? Two. Oomph.
Thank goodness for supportive, confidence-building teachers!
(coming soon)
In The Beginning, there was a writer's conference, an opportunity of a lifetime, & a lesson learned.
(coming soon)
Reinspired & Reignited (PostU, another supportive, confidence-boosting professor & KLP)
(coming soon)
What. In. The. Everloving. F#©K?
Lost between here & Kentucky. GS, I'm not impressed.
SAVE, SAVE, SAVE, then save 5x more!
(coming soon)
Grief Sucks. Release the anger. Let the deep dive begin & the forgiveness heal the broken parts. Gift... how bad do you want it? Prove it. WOWzah!
(coming soon)
I'm Baaaaack... and it feels so good! Wait, but did I ever really leave? SNHU for the win!
(coming soon)

Begin writing my first novel: Lighthouse Murder (no, it's not finished, and yes the title is temporary)

Sadly, they closed: https://kittylitterpress.wordpress.com/submissions/

My 2nd publication is unavailable :-( https://kittylitterpress.wordpress.com/2017/07/27/print-copy-of-joey-2-is-now-available-and-its-beautiful/

Sometimes you must say goodbye to something you lost and welcome the new. Thanks to a flash fiction contest (https://www.wow-womenonwriting.com/) and a few online classes and workshops (https://www.wow-womenonwriting.com/WOWclasses.html & https://www.erindionne.com/), I found my voice (and just a few super old files). And so I submitted the first of many versions:
Feather Kisses

MOTHERF- board... rule #1: ALWAYS save your work